::::::: 204px x 156px >>>> Displayed on the homepage (3 available locations)
Pricing : KWD 400 for 6 months (including graphic design).
::::::: 633px x 150px >>> Displayed on most pages (3 simultaneous advertisers maximum)
Pricing : KWD 800 for 3 months (including graphic design).
::::::: FULL BACKGROUND >>> Displayed in the background of the whole website (only one advertiser)
Pricing : KWD 2500 for 6 months (including graphic design).
::::::: EXCLUSIVITY >>>
You have the possibility to have the exclusivity of the adversting on our website for a year and for all the formats with the chance to change ads at your discretion (under reserve of the termination of all others ads in progress).
Pricing : KWD 4500/year